Sunday, 30 August 2015

Who Is Most Likely To?!❤️

Who Is Most Likely To?!

I filmed 'Who Is Most Likely To?' with my boyfriend today and today, the 30th August 2015, I'm uploading the video! It's one of the funniest videos me and Connor have filmed together, and our 5th video together!❤️

Also some of you may of noticed I have changed the style of my thumbnail, I wanted a bit of a change, I'm not sure if I will stick to this design, but I like it for now!❤️

This tag is open to anyone who watches my video or reads this blog post, you can do it with your boyfriend, friends, family, pets, ANYONE!❤️

Who Is Most Likely To?! | Emily Harding -

Other places to find me:
❤️SNAPCHAT❤️ em.hardingxx

Places to find Connor:

Saturday, 29 August 2015

Welcome to my new blog!♥

Welcome to my new blog!♥

Hello! And welcome to my new blog! Okay so I originally had a blog page called 'pointlesssugg101' BUT I wanted something that I could properly connect to my YouTube channel with and my everyday life♥

If some of you are new and didn't know my previous blog page, then Hi, my name is Emily and I'm 17 years old who loves to dance and make YouTube videos in her spare time! There isn't much to know, my YouTube videos tell you a bit more about me♥

This blog isn't going to just be about my YouTube channel, I want to be able to upload reviews on different products relating to make-up, hair, nails and fashion! And other things I get up to in my everyday life♥

So here are other places you can find me on social media where you can follow me if you like! -

♥SNAPCHAT♥ - em.hardingxx